La Clarita


Extensive irrigation

Initial situation

The farm is located in an area with particularly arid soil that requires constant irrigation using considerable amounts of water.

Caprari proposal

Installation of two Caprari base-mounted units, which supply the pivots dedicated to the area.

Benefits obtained

In order to improve and optimise the irrigation, two base-mounted units were installed at the “La Clarita” farm in Montecoral, in Uruguay’s Florida Department.
The project is completed with a reservoir, so that water can be collected and then pumped towards two existing pivots. Water catchment and pumping are provided by two Caprari base-mounted units.
The installation of the new pumps has led to an increase in the system’s operational capacity: constant irrigation and abundant water have made it possible to achieve exceptional and excellent quality water collection, with considerable energy savings.
The entire plant is built with made in Italy products.

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